This course is aimed to highlight the benefits and risks of social media use in health and dental care.
Over the four hours delegates will have the chance to focus on important aspects of social media use both on a personal and organisational level. The main topics that will be addressed include:
- The benefits of social media use including aligning information about the practice, networking and for patient education
- The risks associated with social media use including patient confidentiality and professionalism
- And finally managing feedback on social media in terms of channelling complaints appropriately and also to learn and make changes
Other areas that will be discussed are regulatory guidance to be mindful of when using social media, policies and how powerful they can be in mitigating risks, and also boundaries risks, when interacting with patients online.
Using a combination of slides and case studies delegates will benefit from interaction during the course with other health and dental care staff to share ideas and concerns they may have with the aim to reassure and learn from each other.
This course is designed for anyone working in primary care who is thinking about or already has a social media presence in their practice.
Upon completion, a certificate detailing 4 hours of verifiable CPD will be provided by MDDUS to all attendees.
Course Fee:
MDDUS group scheme: £95
MDDUS medical member: £95
MDDUS dental member: £95
Non-member: £140
To take part in this workshop:
- You must be able to access and join a Zoom meeting from whatever device you choose to use.
- Participants require a PC or laptop which has either a webcam and microphone integrated (or attached). Alternatively delegates can use a tablet/phone (although some functionality may be unavailable and you may not be able to see all delegates).
- Participants must be willing to share their names and webcam with other participants whilst attending the workshop.
- The Training & CPD team at MDDUS will email you joining instructions to attend the course of your choice a few days before the event.