Building a feedback culture: addressing performance issues in the professional team

Taking place on Wednesday, 5 March between 09.30am and 12.30pm, this course is aimed at doctors and dentists who are, or aspire to be, leaders

The interactive course will explore the necessary elements which underpin a feedback culture and its link to behaviours which contribute to risk reduction, improvement and wellbeing.
Weaknesses that can undermine a feedback culture will then be considered; including the absence of interpersonal trust, leader behaviours, processes and individual skills.
Personal approaches to delivering feedback about performance and/or challenging colleague behaviours will be explored within both high and low-risk scenarios.
Personal responses to colleague feedback and the importance of leader modelling will be examined. By the end of the course, delegates will:

  • Be equipped with knowledge and insights to allow them to plan and embed personal behavioural change
  • Be able to identify strengths, weaknesses and, from these necessary actions for their own team or organisation to support a feedback culture

This course is led by Liz Price, Head of Training, CPD and Risk Advisory Services at MDDUS.

This course has been accredited by The Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK for 3 CPD credits.

Course Fee: 

MDDUS medical member: £70
MDDUS dental member: £70
Non-member: £105

Book now

To take part in this workshop:

  • You must be able to access and join a Zoom meeting from whatever device you choose to use.
  • Participants require a PC or laptop which has either a webcam and microphone integrated (or attached). Alternatively delegates can use a tablet/phone (although some functionality may be unavailable and you may not be able to see all delegates).
  • Participants must be willing to share their names and webcam with other participants whilst attending the workshop.
  • The Training & CPD team at MDDUS will email you joining instructions to attend the course of your choice a few days before the event.  

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For registration, or any login issues, please visit our login page.