Avoiding risk in consent: A masterclass for doctors

Taking place on Thursday, 27 March between 09.30am and 11.30am, this two-hour, interactive course is suitable for all doctors and physician assistants

In this first in a series of two virtual workshops, delegates will explore general aspects of consent including;

The legal, ethical and professional meanings of consent; practical applications including, accepting treatment, specifically arising from the outcomes of the Paterson Inquiry in particular providing adequate time to reflect on diagnosis and treatment options, the assessment and examination of patients; consent in the context of holistic care; informed and valid consent; and a freedom to choose, explaining clearly to patients who choose to be treated privately, or whose treatment is provided in the independent sector but funded by the NHS.

The workshop will be delivered by MDDUS Medico Legal Adviser Dr Myooran Nathan, and Risk Adviser Alan Frame. The format will include directed tutorial, case studies and break-out activity. It is suitable for all doctors and physician assistants.

This course has been accredited by The Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians for 2 CPD credits. 

Course Fee: 

MDDUS medical member: £55
Non-member: £80


To take part in this workshop:

  • You must be able to access and join a Zoom meeting from whatever device you choose to use.
  • Participants require a PC or laptop which has either a webcam and microphone integrated (or attached). Alternatively delegates can use a tablet/phone (although some functionality may be unavailable and you may not be able to see all delegates).
  • Participants must be willing to share their names and webcam with other participants whilst attending the workshop. 
  • The Training & CPD team at MDDUS will email you joining instructions to attend the course of your choice a few days before the event. 

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For registration, or any login issues, please visit our login page.