Risks and safety in prescribing for primary care

Taking place on Tuesday 1 April from 9.30am til 12.30pm, this three-hour, interactive course is suitable for GPs but is likely to be of interest to ANPs, pharmacists and others prescribing in a primary care

Through a combination of guided learning, MDDUS case study analysis, directed groupwork and facilitated discussion, delegates will explore the more common risk areas associated with prescribing practices that can lead to complaints, regulatory scrutiny and medical negligence claims. It will suggest practical risk mitigation measures which doctors can incorporate into their prescribing activity, supported by a systems based approach within primary care practices.

They will explore the common reasons why prescribing errors occur in primary care and how to mitigate against these, including prescribing against known allergies and contra-indications and the influence of human factors in errors and lapses of concentration. We will also consider the supporting role which pharmacists can provide in the prevention of errors.

In addition, they will examine known risk factors in specific prescribing areas with consideration of relevant regulatory guidance in relation to prescribing practices, including- the prescribing of controlled drugs; Prescribing remotely for patients, including those overseas & self-prescribing and prescribing for those close to you.

This course is led by MDDUS risk advisers, Alan Frame.

Upon completion, a certificate detailing three hours of verifiable CPD will be provided by MDDUS to all attendees.

Course Fee: 

MDDUS medical member: £70
Non-member: £105

Book now


To take part in this workshop:

  • You must be able to access and join a Zoom meeting from whatever device you choose to use.
  • Participants require a PC or laptop which has either a webcam and microphone integrated (or attached). Alternatively delegates can use a tablet/phone (although some functionality may be unavailable and you may not be able to see all delegates).
  • Participants must be willing to share their names and webcam with other participants whilst attending the workshop. 
  • The Training & CPD team at MDDUS will email you joining instructions to attend the course of your choice a few days before the event. 

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