Risk Bites - episode 4

  • Date: 27 February 2017

MDDUS has created a series of podcasts encompassing a range of common risk topics in general practice.

Click on the audio player below to listen to episode 4 of our Risk Bites podcasts hosted by Jamie Smith, Creative Director at Enterprise Screen, focusing on a fictitious 51-year-old patient, Mrs Roberts, who is diagnosed with breast cancer by her GP.

Our MDDUS advisers consider the scenario in two very different practice settings. Mrs Roberts presents with the same complaints across a very similar timeline in the Grey practice and in the Rose practice. In both practices Mrs Roberts' case has the same clinical outcome but, as we discover across the series, each find themselves in very different positions when they must respond to the patient’s diagnosis as it progresses from an adverse incident, to an NHS complaint, a claim of negligence and lastly a referral to the General Medical Council.

Read the medical records for Mrs Roberts' treatment at the Grey practice and at the Rose practice.

Episode 4

In episode 4, Dr Gail Gilmartin, medical and risk adviser is joined by MDDUS solicitor Lindsey McGregor to discuss the general issues regarding negligence claims. This podcast is intended to give our GP members a broad overview of the processes involved when a claim arises and how this can impact on a practice.

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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