GMC offers additional support for doctors using social media

  • Date: 12 April 2022

A NEW resource to support doctors using social media has been launched by the General Medical Council (GMC).

The new social media page on the GMC ethical hub was developed after taking account of a range of views from doctors and organisations across the healthcare system in order to "better understand the key issues and challenges faced by the profession when using social media".

The resource aims to provide practical advice for doctors facing challenging situations and includes information on anonymity online, freedom of expression, bullying and harassment, and advertising.

Professor Colin Professor Colin Melville, the GMC's Medical Director and Director of Education and Standards, said: “The way that doctors and patients use social media has changed significantly in recent years. Although our guidance, Doctors’ use of social media, outlines the benefits and risks of communicating online; we regularly receive enquiries asking for more information about applying these principles in practice.

“We hope that colleagues will find it [the new resource page] helpful.”

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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