Dental consensus on tackling antimicrobial resistance

  • Date: 29 May 2015

A CONSENSUS report setting out a comprehensive blueprint to help dentists play their part in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been launched by the BDA.

The report summarises the findings of an event hosted by the BDA last year to consider how best to conserve the effectiveness of existing antibiotics and overcome barriers to reduce inappropriate prescribing. The meeting brought together antimicrobial specialists, educators, defence organisations, the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners, the Association of Clinical Oral Microbiologists and the Cochrane Oral Health Group, as well as representatives from government and the pharmacy, medical and veterinary professions.

The consensus report points out that not only is cross-professional and international collaboration required but patients and the public also need to be made aware of AMR and understand the difference between antibiotics and analgesics.

The chair of the BDA's General Dental Practice Committee, Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, said: "The most challenging situation for time-pressured dentists is when a patient arrives unexpectedly in severe pain, when you have a queue of patients waiting to be seen.

"Dentists need time to assess these emergency cases and provide effective treatment. Governments need to recognise this and fund the care for emergency patients rather than leaving it to the good will of dentists."

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