August roll-out of defibrillators to Scottish dental practices

  • Date: 30 July 2014

DELIVERY of free defibrillators to Scottish NHS dental practices is to begin in August according to a recent communication from the chief dental officer.

This is part of a Scottish Government initiative to make a defibrillator available in every independent dental practice in Scotland providing NHS general dental services.

A contractor now has the names and addresses of practices that are eligible to receive a defibrillator and they will be contacted direct in order to make the necessary arrangements.

NHS Boards will also be receiving provisional allocations at the end of July for those practices who already have a defibrillator and are eligible for a cash equivalent payment. The value of this payment is £718.80 per practice. Practices with a defibrillator paid for by their NHS Board are not eligible for a cash equivalent payment.

A condition of receiving a defibrillator (or the equivalent sum of money if a defibrillator is already in place) is that each unit is mapped onto the Scottish Ambulance System. This will ensure that the wider community has the opportunity to benefit from this initiative. Qualifying practices are required to complete a mapping template form to facilitate this.

Click here for more details.

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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