Almost 100 reserve trainees find jobs

  • Date: 30 May 2013

NEARLY 100 trainee doctors waiting to find a job have been allocated a post, the UKFPO has confirmed.

Oversubscription to the 2013 foundation programme left 295 applicants on a reserve list, to be allocated to posts on set dates as vacancies arose.

Fifty-four trainees were found jobs during the first batch allocation at the end of April and a further 44 have been awarded posts this week in the second batch. That leaves 190 trainees on the reserve list for allocation over the coming months.

The UKFPO believes a larger number will find jobs in the June allocation as applicants continue to withdraw from the process.

UKFPO national director Professor Derek Gallen said: “I am pleased that we have successfully allocated another 44 reserve list applicants. We will continue to support those applicants who remain on the reserve list until the end of the process, as we understand this is still a difficult and unsettling time for them.”

The third batch will be allocated on June 26.

This is the third year running that the foundation programme has been oversubscribed. In 2010 it was oversubscribed by 185 applicants, in 2011 the number was 81.

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