GDC considers yearly CPD declarations

  • Date: 26 April 2012

MANDATORY dental CPD declarations every year are being considered by the GDC as part of a "big conversation" on continuing professional development.

A dicussion document launched this month - Maintaining Quality and Impact of CPD in Dentistry - sets out key issues being explored as part of an on-going CPD review.

Other options under consideration include introducing a learning outcomes element to CPD requirements and embedding personal development planning into a future scheme. The GDC is also looking at further developing its online portal (eGDC) for managing registrants’ CPD and any "synergies" with existing IT-based CPD portfolios used by other organisations.

A survey of GDC registrants has found that 64 per cent of registrants would do CPD even if it was not required but 17 per cent also said they found it hard to identify the right CPD for them. In choosing CPD topics 27 per cent said that a PDP (personal development plant) influences their choice and 22 per cent said their own interests and preferences were a key factor.

Views on CPD can be shared with the GDC via its dedicated CPD Review email inbox The document is for discussion purposes only and does not necessarily represent GDC policy.

The GDC’s current CPD requirements can be found on the website

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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