Acas reveal early conciliation figures

ALMOST two thirds of early conciliation cases dealt with by Acas did not proceed to a tribunal claim, according to figures based on the first year of the scheme.

  • Date: 08 October 2015

As practices will be aware, before an ex-employee can make an employment tribunal claim they need to engage with Acas. This mandatory process has helped resolve many disputes quickly, removing the need for further legal action.

Acas reported over 83,000 cases were dealt with between the scheme’s launch in April 2014 and March 2015. Among the cases, 63 per cent did not proceed to a tribunal claim, a further 15 per cent resulted in a formal settlement with only 22 per cent progressing to a tribunal.

It was also reported that the average time frame to settle cases with Acas was just under a day compared to five days in a tribunal court.

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