Hospital secretary jailed for stealing funds

AN NHS secretary has been jailed for 16 months at Dundee Sheriff Court for embezzling money from a hospital charity fund.

  • Date: 17 April 2015

Lorraine Warden, 44, stole £55,000 by forging the signature of a doctor at Ninewells Hospital. The fund, which received cash from donors, had been set aside for doctors to have additional training in ear, nose and throat medicine.

Dr Stephen Jones was the only signatory on the bank account and he noticed discrepancies in a spreadsheet used to manage the fund’s money. The subsequent investigation revealed Warden, of Muirhead, had written 61 cheques to herself and one in the name of her daughter, totalling £55,000.

Warden pleaded guilty to the charge, blaming the fraud on spiralling debts due to payday loans.

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