Rehabilitation figures cut for offenders

REHABILITATION periods have been cut for offenders with the introduction of changes that will reduce the amount of time some offenders need to disclose details of low level convictions.

  • Date: 26 March 2014

REHABILITATION periods have been cut for offenders with the introduction of changes that will reduce the amount of time some offenders need to disclose details of low level convictions.

The changes came into effect on March 10 and apply in England and Wales (the rules in the rest of the UK remain unchanged). They also set rehabilitation periods so that they are fairer and better reflect the seriousness of the sentence imposed.

The purpose of the changes is to tackle reoffending so that offenders can have the chance to get back into the workplace.

However, jobs in sensitive workplaces, such as schools and hospitals or working with children and vulnerable adults, will still have to declare all convictions, spent or not.

Details can be found here.

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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