
Briefing: Update on state-backed indemnity

MDDUS CEO Chris Kenny offers an update and current perspective on plans for state-backed indemnity - and calls on Government to put more "meat on the bones"


Risk: Speak up for patient safety

What do healthcare staff do when faced with a bad decision by someone senior? 'Authority gradients' are a prime consideration in safe team working


Profile: New admissions

Adam Campbell chats with neurosurgeon and bestselling author Henry Marsh


Research ready

HAS your practice ever considered getting involved in primary care research? GP David Shukla offers a personal perspective on the benefits


Clinical risk: Wrong-site extraction

It happens more often than you think – but some simple measures can help avoid this disastrous outcome


Dilemma: A friend in need?

Dilemma: a doctor is pressured by a friend to prescribe a controlled drug while on holiday


Ethics: “Even nurses are not compassionate anymore…”

ETHICAL concerns can differ among professions and 'interprofessional ethics' demands both humility and “moral imagination” to understand the perspectives of other colleagues


Book choice: The Butchering Art

Book review by Dr Greg Dollman


Vignette: Elsie Maud Inglis

Pioneering physician, suffragist and founder of the Scottish Women's Hospitals Movement

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Insight (formerly Summons) is published quarterly and distributed to all MDDUS members throughout the UK.

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Insight 2019 Q4 cover

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