Case study - Speeding offence

...Mr K receives a speeding ticket but is unsure whether he is required to inform the GMC...

  • Date: 21 July 2020


A consultant surgeon – Mr K – contacts MDDUS in regard to a recent speeding ticket. He was clocked going 55mph in a 30mph zone and has now received a letter from the local constabulary informing him of the charge and that the offence cannot be dealt with under a conditional offer of fixed penalty. The matter has now been referred to magistrates’ court.

Mr K asks for advice on the requirement to notify the General Medical Council (GMC).


An MDDUS medico-legal adviser confirms that Mr K should inform the GMC as he has been charged.

The adviser also suggests that in the meantime it would be helpful for Mr K to prepare a report detailing what happened on the day he was caught speeding. He is asked to include why was he travelling at that speed, along with a reflective report detailing what he has learned and how his behaviour has changed as a result of the incident.

Mr K later receives a letter from the GMC confirming the requirement for doctors to inform the regulator of any motoring offences which lead to a conviction in court but that such matters are generally not investigated. The letter states that the details provided by Mr K do not indicate any aggravating factors present in this case and further investigation is not required – therefore the self-referral is closed with no further action.


  • GMC guidance states that registrants must inform the regulator if they have accepted a police caution or have been charged with or found guilty of a criminal offence.
  • The GMC will not investigate speeding offences “unless there are specific aggravating features which raise a question about the doctor’s fitness to practise”.
  • Failure to report such an offence will put your registration at risk

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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Insight - Secondary is published quarterly and distributed to MDDUS members throughout the UK who work in secondary care. It provides a mix of articles on risk, medico-legal and regulatory matters as well as general features and profiles of interest to our members.
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Insight Secondary Q3

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