Benefits of membership
The Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice in England (CNSGP) and the General Medical Practice Indemnity scheme in Wales (GMPI) are not comprehensive - they cover NHS clinical negligence claims but nothing else.
MDDUS' General Practice Protection membership provides GPs working within the NHS in England and Wales with a range of essential benefits:
Free access to a confidential support and counselling service – YourHalo: Emotional Wellbeing. The service is available to support MDDUS members 24/7 and provided in partnership with healthcare rm
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24/7 advice from leading medico-legal experts, including support with complaints handling and ethical/professional matters
Indemnity for report writing (for NHS patients but non-GMS/PMS work) e.g. for court purposes, occupational health, private certificates, travel insurance, life insurance
Advice and representation for performer's list/ disciplinary matters, GMC hearings and CIs including all legal support
Advice and support for criminal matters (related to medical practice)
Indemnity for medicals, e.g. DVLA, life insurance, adoption/fostering and sports medicals
Private work - membership can be extended to include access to indemnity for a range of medical work outside your NHS contract, including private GP work, occupational health and cosmetic medicine
Access to a range of free training and CPD resources, plus discounts on a range of textbooks and training
Access to indemnity for chargeable travel vaccines/immunisations
MDDUS legal advisers were extremely diligent, thorough and professional. They were always easily accessible and very supportive, from both a professional and personal perspective. I cannot thank them enough.
Primary care team protection - England and Wales
MDDUS provides advice and representation for non-GP members within the practice and primary care network, with a choice of two membership products.
Find out moreFAQs
Click for answers to commonly asked questions regarding the new state-backed indemnity schemes and why you still need MDDUS
Open FAQs-
What is CNSGP/GMPI and who will it cover?
The Government has said the scheme in England will provide GPs with indemnity against clinical negligence claims arising from NHS contracted work. It will extend to all GPs and all other staff working in delivery of primary medical services. It will automatically cover contractor and salaried GPs, GP locums, GPs in training and other schemes such as retainers, prison GPs, nurses, allied health professionals and the wider NHS primary care work, including out-of-hours cover. The Welsh Government plan to implement a similar scheme to that planned for England. Close -
Does CNSGP cover flu vaccination of practice staff?
NHS England has confirmed that indemnity for the administering of flu vaccinations to practice staff falls out of scope of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP). The BMA has raised concerns over the issue with NHS England and Public Health England citing the need to ensure that all NHS staff are fully protected during flu season. MDDUS, in response to member concerns, has decided to extend indemnity for staff flu vaccinations to our general practice group schemes and individual GP members (including nurses administering the vaccination as a delegated task) across the UK (including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). This is a temporary measure over the winter (2019-20) until the issue can be fully addressed by the NHS. Close -
Does CNSGP/GMPI cover the MOD?
The MOD have chosen not to be part of the scheme so GPs working for them will not be covered by CNSGP. Military doctors are covered under the terms of their engagement and we recommend that civilian GPs providing services to MOD facilities liaise with the MOD to ensure that these arrangements extend to them too. Close -
When were the schemes introduced?
CNSGP and GMPI were introduced on April 1, 2019. Close -
How will the schemes work?
As yet there are no final details on how CNSGP will work, but the DHSC has confirmed it will be administered and run by NHS Resolution and will cover clinical negligence liabilities for work carried out as part of their NHS contract. It will cover providers on GMS, PMS, APMS and standard NHS contracts and provide indemnity for clinical negligence for all staff including students and trainees. GPs will therefore be covered through the GP practices that they work in, rather than individually as is now the case.
Government is committed to funding the GMPI now and in future years. It is still unclear whether and if so how the new state-backed scheme will take on responsibility for historic claims - i.e. cases that are ongoing when the scheme begins and those that come to light later but relate to incidents that happened before the scheme started. We are in detailed discussions with Government on this issue, seeking to protect members’ financial and professional interests.
As with most of the questions on this proposed scheme we are awaiting more detail from the government before we can fully answer all the issues. We will update members when we know more.
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Is CNSGP free?
The costs of the scheme will be met by NHS England. It will be centrally-funded through a one-off permanent adjustment to the global sum. Future costs of NHS practice under the scheme will be funded centrally, not met individually or by practices. Close -
Do I still need to be a member of MDDUS now CNSGP/GMPI has been introduced?
Absolutely. CNSGP/GMPI will not cover you for non-NHS work, representation at inquests, GMC hearings and disciplinary investigations. Such situations can seriously impact your career and could ultimately result in you being struck off. The scheme will also not include advice and support – something highly prized by MDDUS members. It is therefore crucial that you have access to support and guidance from experienced medico-legal advisers.
That’s why the BMA has advised: "The scope of the state-backed scheme is to cover the cost of clinical negligence for NHS services. The MDOs will continue to play an important role in providing legal advice, representation for GMC hearings and also for the rare occasion where a criminal case occurs. Similar to hospital colleagues, it will be essential to maintain such medical indemnity."
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I'm an existing MDDUS member - do I need to contact you?
No, we will automatically transfer you onto our new General Practice Protection (GPP) product. However, we would urge you to login to your secure membership portal (click "Login" at the top right of the screen) and check that your subscription has been calculated appropriately. Close -
Do only a very small number of GPs need services not covered by CNSGP/GMPI?
Over the last 12 months alone, MDDUS have dealt with nearly 4,000 new cases from GP members and answered over 6,500 advice calls from GP members relating to these issues which will not be included in CNSGP/GMPI. Close -
Are you sure CNSGP/GMPI won’t provide assistance with disciplinary matters etc?
The schemes have been designed in a similar manner to the NHS indemnity provided to your colleagues within secondary care. As a result the schemes will only provide indemnity for NHS work and will not extend assistance to the individual practitioner’s professional issues e.g. assistance with disciplinary matters, GMC hearings, coroner’s inquests, Good Samaritan acts and non-NHS clinical work. Close -
Tell me more about the advice the BMA are giving to GPs in England and Wales on MDO membership following CNSGP/GMPI?
The BMA recently reminded GPs of the importance of retaining their MDO subscription when CNSGP/GMPI is introduced in April 2019. Advice from the BMA states that GPs “still need to retain membership of an MDO” and “MDOs will continue to play an important role in providing legal advice, representation for GMC hearings and also for the rare occasion where a criminal case occurs.”
You can read the BMA advice here and our statement welcoming the BMA advice here.
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What are the advantages of having assistance from the MDDUS at a fatal accident inquiry or coroner's inquest?
Criticisms made at an inquiry or inquest can lead to a GMC/GDC or criminal matter being raised against you. Due to the potential of such a serious outcome it is important to have the support and guidance of an MDDUS adviser who can advise you on how to conduct yourself throughout this formal, and often daunting process. At MDDUS, we have retained some of the UK's leading medico-legal and dento-legal solicitors, which means we can instruct the best legal representation. As an MDDUS member, this representation is available to you free of charge.
I undertake work outside my NHS contract but why do I have to purchase indemnity from you?
CNSGP/FLS will only provide indemnity for work undertaken within a GMS, PMS and APMS contract along with other services delivered under a standard NHS contract. As a result you have a professional obligation to arrange indemnity for private clinical work, writing insurance reports, travel vaccination clinics etc. which MDDUS will provide. In addition, the schemes will not extend assistance to the individual practitioner’s professional issues e.g. assistance with disciplinary matters, GMC hearings, coroner's inquests, Good Samaritan acts and non-NHS clinical work - but MDDUS will. Close -
What are the benefits of a mutual organisation?
One of the most valuable benefits of a mutual organisation is that the MDDUS doesn't have shareholders and does not pay dividends to its members. That means all the income generated by subscriptions is invested back into the organisation and member services, and in the maintenance of a healthy reserve to cover legal costs and claims. This, coupled with our sound financial acumen, means that we maintain very competitive subscription rates and have built a financially strong organisation
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What's the difference between occurrence-based cover and claims-made cover?
MDDUS membership provides occurrence-based indemnity. This means that you are eligible for assistance for all events that occur while you are a member, regardless of when an actual claim is made. You will enjoy the full support of the MDDUS even if you have moved abroad, ceased clinical work or retired. Your estate will likewise be supported after your death. Insurance products operate in a completely different way; they usually only guarantee protection if you are insured, both when the incident occurred and when the claim is made. The crucial importance of this lies in the fact that medical and dental malpractice claims can be made several months or even years after the events that give rise to the claim.
Why should I choose MDDUS for my professional indemnity?
MDDUS has been providing support and indemnity to medical and dental professionals for over 115 years. We pride ourselves on offering a quality, personalised service provided by our team of medico- and dento-legal advisers who are recognised as some of the leading UK experts in their field. Our members can enjoy the security and peace of mind which comes with receiving this high level of service at a competitive price. Our expertise has been invaluable in supporting our members when they need us.
Over the past 10 years, MDDUS has successfully defended more than 75 per cent of claims notified and, in the rare event of a case progressing to trial, the majority of our members are successfully defended. In 2011 more than 96 per cent of GMC complaints were resolved without the need to progress to a fitness to practise hearing.
We are proud to say that, in an independent survey carried out by market research firm GfK, MDDUS ranked highest of all UK mutual medical defence organisations for member satisfaction (online poll of 695 defence organisation members conduced by GfK, NOP May 2012; rating of satisfaction with overall services/resources provided).
MDDUS also enjoys a superior rating from Dun & Bradstreet, the leading global business information provider, which further underlines the financial strength of our organisation
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Would membership indemnify me to work throughout the UK?
MDDUS members are indemnified to work anywhere in the UK but not Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands. Should they wish to work in Guernsey then they should call our Membership Services team on 0333 043 0000 to discuss. Although we do not normally operate membership outside the UK, we do indemnify members for Good Samaritan acts anywhere in the world, which are not covered by any other indemnity or insurance arrangements.

Advice and support you can trust
MDDUS membership provides access to professional and legal advice and support all year round, across the UK. And even if you choose to leave, or life takes you beyond the UK, you’ll still benefit from our support if you’re facing issues related to something that happened while you were a member.
Case study