We're on your side
We’ve been listening to you, our members. Building on what you’ve told us in surveys from 2020 – 2024, we’ve now set out five key actions to address your concerns.
Challenging conditions
Doctors and dentists are facing the most challenging workplace conditions in living memory. Today, they need a government that supports and values them, hears their concerns and takes positive action to match political rhetoric.
Long term plan required
The risk of inaction is already plain to see – waiting lists are up, overwhelmed services are missing targets and burnout is rampant. A credible, long-term plan to protect and retain the NHS workforce should be the top tier domestic priority for the new administration.
Our five key asks of a new government

Address the burnout and wellbeing crisis among doctors and dentists

Act to halt the exodus of doctors and dentists from the NHS

Accelerate reform of all professional regulators, especially the GDC

Recognise and support International Medical Graduates and stamp out racism in the workplace

Reinforce the zero-tolerance policy towards those who threaten, assault and abuse healthcare professionals
Read more details on our five asks below
Simply click on the relevant issue below to read our full asks in detail.
Address the burnout and wellbeing crisis among doctors and dentists
Act to halt the exodus of doctors and dentists from the NHS
Accelerate reform of all professional regulators, especially the GDC
Recognise and support International Medical Graduates (IMGs) and stamp out racism in the workplace
Reinforce the zero-tolerance policy towards those who threaten, assault and abuse healthcare professionals