Free membership and support for retired doctors extended until September 2022

MDDUS has extended an offer of free membership until September 2022 for retired doctors who return to work during the pandemic.

At the beginning of the pandemic, MDDUS was the first medical defence organisation to offer free membership to its retired members, granted temporary registration by the General Medical Council (GMC) under its emergency powers.

The latest extension will last until 30 September 2022, which is when the GMC has said it will end temporary emergency registration.

Dr Chris Godeseth, customer and development director at MDDUS, said: "We’re extending our support for retired members until September 2022 to allow our retired members to continue to help the NHS transition from COVID-19 response to recovery."

While returning doctors are indemnified by the State via clauses in the Coronavirus Act, the protection being extended by MDDUS includes support for other risks they might face returning to practise.

This includes advice and support on ethical and legal issues, regulatory hearings, tribunals and inquiries.

Membership is provided automatically, with no need for retired members to opt-in or out.

MDDUS is extending its offer of free support to retired members returning to clinical practice in recognition of the pressures the NHS is facing during the transition to recovery, and to reassure retired members of its ongoing support.

Dr Godeseth added: "We’re very proud to have supported our retired members since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. We continue to stand behind them now.

"Our message to our MDDUS members is that we are here for them during this challenging transition."

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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