MDDUS records another year of growth in face of external challenges

MDDUS is reporting yet another year of sustained membership growth while addressing external challenges and distractions.

Figures from the MDDUS 2018 annual report reveal a growth in active membership of over eight per cent compared to the previous year, taking the total to 49,263. Whilst growth continued steadily in Scotland, there was also a rise of four per cent in GP membership, a 32 per cent rise in GDP membership and a 19 per cent rise in hospital doctor membership across the rest of the UK.

During the strategic three-year period 2016-2018:

  • Membership rose by 36 per cent
  • Hospital doctor membership rose by 66 per cent outside of Scotland (10 per cent in Scotland)
  • GDP membership rose by 107 per cent outside of Scotland (12 per cent in Scotland).

MDDUS chief executive Chris Kenny commented: "In a period of uncertainty and multiple distractions, we are delighted to report yet another year of growth across our GP, hospital doctor and dental membership.

"We remain the fastest growing dental indemnifier in the UK. While others reduce their service levels and new entrants force their members to meet the extra cost of insurance premium tax, our mix of premium service and financial strength gives the best blend for the future.

"Despite the uncertainty introduced by the experimental and unproven Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice (CNSGP) in England and the General Medical Practice Indemnity (GMPI) in Wales, the number of GPs putting their trust in our professionalism, responsiveness and value continues to increase.

"To ensure our members continue to have full protection, we introduced a new product – General Practice Protection. This product was welcomed by members and the primary care team, addressing their wider needs not covered by CNSGP and GMPI.

"We continue to provide expert advice and support and in the last 12 months our medico-legal advisers handled more than 6,500 calls and opened more than 4,000 cases relating to issues that are not included in the Government schemes.

"As the boundaries of the schemes continue to change, GPs would be wise to keep the extra certainty that MDDUS membership brings. I am delighted that so many are doing so.

"NHS Resolution does not cover non-NHS work, GMC hearings, disciplinary investigations and representation at inquests, nor does it include advice and support – something highly prized by MDDUS members. It’s our record in these areas which is also making hospital doctors flock to us, in addition to the value and expertise we offer for those working in the private hospital sector.

"The first half of 2019 is already showing a continuation of this success story."

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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