Update your MDDUS contact numbers

We have noticed that a few members are still contacting MDDUS on our old 0845 number and incurring a higher phone tariff.

Please ensure you are now contacting MDDUS on 0333 043 4444 or 0333 043 0000 for membership enquiries.

These new numbers are not linked to a specific geographical area but are charged at the same rate as normal local or national landline numbers (beginning ‘01’ or ’02’). Mobile users whose phone tariff includes free landline calls/inclusive minutes should not be charged extra for calling our ‘0333’ numbers.

MDDUS switchboard number: 0333 043 4444

MDDUS membership team number: 0333 043 0000

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

For registration, or any login issues, please visit our login page.