Results Showing | 1 - 5 of 5
Discount rate change in Scotland will further increase legal costs
THE Scottish Government has announced its intention to follow the decision made in England by the Lord Chancellor to cut the discount rate applied to personal injury claims from 2.5 to -0.75 per cent. This will result in an increase in the size of compensation payments, leading to significant new costs for the NHS in Scotland and medical defence organisations (MDOs), such as MDDUS.
MDDUS input on new GMC indemnity guidance
MDDUS is pleased the GMC has addressed concerns on how "adequate and appropriate indemnity and insurance" is interpreted as part of new updated guidance.
MDDUS launches new mission statement and brand values
MDDUS has launched a new mission statement and set out its brand values after an extensive consultation involving staff, the Board and a membership survey and working group.
Sign up for new risk webinars
Find out more about managing incapacity in adults, the new NHS Scotland complaints handling procedure and the use of chaperones in the latest MDDUS risk management webinars.
Insight Spring Q1 2017 puzzle solution
Solution to Insight Spring Q1 2017 crossword puzzle