WATCH: MDDUS joins campaign to support stressed doctors

MDDUS’ joint head of medical division Dr John Holden joined a panel of experts for a roundtable debate exploring ways of supporting doctors suffering from stress and burnout.

The event was hosted by the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) and sponsored by MDDUS.

Dr Holden joined in discussion at the Royal College of Physicians with healthcare leaders including Professor Maureen Baker, chair of the Royal College of GPs, and Dr Michelle Drage, CEO of Londonwide LMCs.

The roundtable formed part of the RMBF’s What’s Up Doc? campaign highlighting the problems associated with work pressures amongst doctors.

Panellists covered topics such as the stigma of asking for help, the importance of early intervention, and how leaders, employers and professional bodies can create a caring, safe environment for doctors in practice. They also looked at cultural shifts in the medical profession that have left doctors more isolated and unsupported at work in recent years.

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