Poetry for new doctors

MDDUS is pleased to be among the sponsors of a new edition of Tools of the Trade: Poems for new doctors, a "gift from the medical profession to its newest members" which is being distributed to all doctors graduating in Scotland in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The poems in this short collection all "speak in some way to the experience of being a junior doctor" and some are written by doctors themselves, including Dannie Abse, Iain Bamforth, Glenn Colquhoun, Martin MacIntyre and Gael Turnbull.

The volume is published by the Scottish Poetry Library with additional support from the Royal College of General Practitioners (Scotland) and MDDUS.

RCGP Scotland Chair Dr Miles Mack said: "It is always wonderful to welcome new colleagues into the profession. Tools of the Trade provides a great way of doing just that, emphasising how at the heart of every medical consultation sit people. The compassion these poems represent will, I hope, underpin every medical career."

The book includes a foreword by MDDUS Chairman Dr Brendan Sweeney who said: "Reflecting on poetry, and indeed on all the Arts, can produce a different sort of doctor: one who is richer and deeper as an individual."

Copies can also be purchased from the online shop at the Scottish Poetry Library.

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