IF you are a doctor in private practice your subscription is based partly on the work you do and partly on the private fees you earn. Your renewal notice will show the level of earnings upon which your subscription has been based and it is your responsibility to ensure that this is sufficient to cover expected earnings for the year to come.
Should any change be required please inform MDDUS immediately so that a revised subscription for next year can be calculated. If at the end of next year your estimate has proved to be too high or too low you will have an opportunity at that time to adjust it.
We would like to be clear that the figure used should be your gross private earnings from the practice of medicine, however delivered. In the event that you have formed a company for accounting or other purposes, the relevant figure is the gross income to that company in relation to your practice of medicine. In our recent experience, there are still a small number of doctors declaring their salary from their company, as opposed to the gross fees. In such circumstances we have discretion to make adjustments retrospectively to ensure adequate and appropriate indemnity is in place.
At the heart of the principle of mutuality is the fact that all members should contribute an appropriate amount to the common fund that is held on behalf of all members. This is an important principle and we do carry out checks of gross private practice earnings from time to time to ensure that it is being complied with.
If you have any questions please telephone our Membership Department on 0845 270 2038
This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.