MDDUS calls for clinical negligence reform

In response to the recently published NHS Resolution Annual Report for 2023/2024, which highlights an increase in clinical negligence costs to £2.8 billion, MDDUS recognises the pressing need for systemic reform.

Dr John Holden, Chief Medical Officer at MDDUS, commented:

It has become clear that the escalating cost of claims is not sustainable. The increase in clinical negligence costs is a significant concern, diverting essential funds from patient care.

"We urge the new government to prioritise clinical negligence reform that ensures a fair and sustainable compensation system."

MDDUS remains committed to working with the government to help shape reform that supports the long-term sustainability of the NHS.”


The Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) is a mutual organisation that protects the professional interests of more than 65,000 doctors and dentists across the United Kingdom, offering access to indemnity, support and legal advice.

For further information please contact Lisa Walker, communications manager, on or 07976 886552.

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