MDDUS reports further increase in membership in latest annual report

The medical defence specialist MDDUS has recorded a second year of membership growth since the Covid-19 pandemic was declared.

In its annual report and accounts for 2021, published today 11 July 2022, the mutual organisation for doctors and dentists details how it:

  • Achieved a 5.6% year-on-year increase in membership
  • Saw the number of GPs joining it grow by almost 11%
  • Solidified its position as the medical indemnifier of choice for tens of thousands of health professionals throughout the United Kingdom, with membership growth over the past five year of 42%.

Chris Kenny, chief executive of MDDUS, said: “For our members and for us, 2021 was a year of recovery, rebuilding, and transformation.

“Reflecting across our performance, I am pleased to be able to report that we have grown stronger as a result of our responsible decisions, commitment to our values and clarity of purpose.

“And with a further annual growth in membership, we have secured our place as the first-choice defence organisation, not only for tens of thousands of doctors and dentists, but for an increasing number of other clinical professionals.

“We continued to lead from the front as our members continued their crucial role as the frontline defence to Covid-19.

“Throughout the whole year we extended our offer of free membership and support to retired members who wished to work in support of the NHS. And we maintained flexible terms for our membership as clinical workloads shifted in response to changing priorities.”

Prof Iain Cameron, chair of MDDUS, said: “In my first year as Chair of MDDUS, I am proud to say that once again we have delivered strongly for all our members.

“We supported our members in areas including the digitisation of health delivery, and represented their interests nationally, as the governments of the UK introduced wide-ranging reforms to the way the NHS is organised, and regulators and courts tackled their own reform agendas.

“I am also immensely proud of the tireless dedication of our staff which has enabled us to play such a leading role in supporting our members during the pandemic.”

  • The MDDUS annual report and accounts for 2021 can be found here 
  • A summary year in review can be read here 


The Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) is a mutual organisation that protects the professional interests of more than 54,000 doctors and dentists across the United Kingdom, offering access to indemnity, support and legal advice.

For further information please contact Lisa Walker, communications manager, on or 07741 237856.

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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